
  • Total activity 137
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  • Votes 11
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Recent activity by Brian Recent activity Votes
  • Manage account team members

    NOTE: managing team members at an account requires the admin team member role. Account Team Members are users with extended privileges in Pectora. You can manage your account team members from eith...

  • User roles in Pectora

    There are three user roles in Pectora, each with with different levels of access: Student Team Member Team Admin The Pectora interface varies slightly depending on the access of the logged in use...

  • Embed upcoming classes on your website

    NOTE: the account team member role is required to access accounts. If you've created classes with Online registration enabled, you probably have an audience you'd like to share them with. Use the p...

  • Use Passkey Log in for the easiest, most secure way to sign in

    Authenticate Device Upon Log in Manage Authenticated Devices Authenticate a New Device Remove an Authenticated Device   Passkeys are a replacement for passwords that are designed to provide w...

  • Transfer participant to a new class

    NOTE: the account team member role is required to transfer participants. Sometimes a participant is unable to attend a class and needs to be transferred to another. As long as the following conditi...

  • What is online registration?

    NOTE: the account team member role is required to manage classes. Online registration lets you delegate the task of adding participants to your roster, to the participant. When enabled, a registrat...

  • How to close a class roster

    NOTE: the account team member role is required to close a class roster. First, locate the class: click Classes from the main navigation, find the class and click the Class id or the Course name to ...

  • Accept payments for class registrations

    NOTE: the account team member role is required to manage classes and Stripe Connect is required for your account to accept registration payments. You can use Pectora to collect online class registr...

  • How to create a class

    NOTE: the account team member role is required to create a class. Click Classes on the left main navigation, then + Add Class. Next, complete the following class information: Select the Account, ...

  • Class roster overview

    NOTE: the account team member role is required to access a class roster. A class roster is the central location to manage and interact with your class. To visit the roster for one of your classes, ...